CDL DUI Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law CDL DUI For most people getting a DUI or DWI can be devastating. But for those with a commercial driver’s license (CDL), a DUI is even more destructive. Because a CDL is how commercial drivers earn a living, a CDL […]
BOATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law BOATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE With all the focus on drunk driving, there is relatively little attention paid to drinking while operating a watercraft. But arrests for boating under the influence (BUI) or DUI on a boat are becoming […]
Underage DUI Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law Underage DUI If you are a minor charged with underage DUI, don’t make the mistake of thinking that your youth will help your case. In fact, underage drinking and driving laws in Arizona are even stricter for those under 21 […]
DRIVING WHILE HIGH Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law Driving While High Are you facing a marijuana DUI charge? The consequences of a conviction for driving while high, like those for an alcohol-related DUI, are harsh. They include loss of your license, thousands of dollars in fines, jail […]
DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS Have you been charged with a driving under the influence of drugs? You are not alone. Due to the increased use of rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft, the […]
FELONY DUI (A.R.S. § 28-1383) Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law FELONY DUI (A.R.S. § 28-1383) Aggravated DUI, or Felony DUI, is much more severe than a misdemeanor DUI or an extreme DUI both in penalties and the impact they can have on a person’s life. Whether it […]
ARIZONA EXTREME DUI Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law ARIZONA EXTREME DUI If you have been charged with drinking and driving, most people are only concerned about whether their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is over the legal limit of 0.08. In Arizona, however, there are additional charges and […]
MISDEMEANOR DUI Defense Attorney Call Us At: (602) 899-8000 Feldman & Royle, Attorneys at Law MISDEMEANOR DUI Most people are aware that if you are convicted of driving under the influence, you face serious consequences. While a first time DUI is generally a misdemeanor, even if you have a clean driving record, and have never […]